周云杉,博士,副主任医师。 2002年9月至2010年7月就读于北京大学医学部临床医学专业八年制本博连读,获临床型医学博士学位。2010年8月起在北京大学人民医院临床免疫中心/风湿免疫科从事临床工作。目前主要研究方向为类风湿关节炎对患者功能及生活质量的影响;以及自身免疫病与肿瘤的关系。参与包括国家自然基金、国家“十一五”科技支撑计划等多个科研基金资助课题。于中国医学专业性杂志上发表数篇论著。参与编译了《类风湿关节炎》、《凯利风湿病学(第八版)》等书籍。现任英文杂志《Internl J Rheumatic Dis》审稿人。
Yunshan ZHOU, MD
Doctor of Rheumatology,
Department of Rheumatology and Immunology
People’s Hospital, Peking University
Beijing, 100044
Dr Zhou received her MD degree from Peking University Health Science College in 2010. She subsequently joined the faculty of Clinical Immunology Center / Division of Rheumatology, Peking University People's Hospital, and is now working as a senior resident doctor. Her current research interests include the function and quality of lives of rheumatoid arthritis patients; and the association between autoimmune diseases and neoplasm.